Dr. Oculus Animatronics – Started in 2014 – Ongoing Project
Dr.Oculus is the first animatronics character for me in a few years. Well, since RoboBird II in 2007. I’ve been drawing him for a while and REALLY like the idea of a talking eyestalk. I built the prototype Fall of 2014 whilst visiting my friend Frank Keith in Wichita, Kansas (Check out his stuff on siegelkeithartistry.com). He cleared some space for me in his studio and after hitting a few of the local hobby shops, I went for it! Keep in mind, this is a very rough prototype to work out basic movements and proportion. I like to work fast in most cases so a big bag of balsa/bass wood and super glue make for a fast, productive prototype. Dr.Oculus will be part of a larger vision including a new animatronics stage show. I’ll add updates as I work through things so stay tuned.